Fishers netted

A GROUP of fishermen from the Sale area had an expensive day out after being netted by Fisheries Victoria officers near McGauran’s Beach in October.

Fisheries Victoria officers were conducting inspections along the 90 Mile Beach when they inspected the equipment of a group of people from the Sale area.

Four men were allegedly found to be using and possessing commercial fishing equipment without authority. 

The equipment consisted of one longline with snoods and baits attached, two lines with more than two hooks attached and buckets with longline clips, snoods and hooks.

The group of men also allegedly failed to return unwanted fish back to the water with least possible injury or damage.

Fisheries officers seized all the illegal fishing equipment and the offenders were interviewed.

The group will receive infringement notices, with a combined total of $2957.

The maximum penalty for possessing commercial fishing equipment is $5640, while the maximum penalty for failure to release unwanted fish with least possible injury is $2820.

To report suspected illegal fishing activity contact the Fisheries reporting line on 13 FISH (133474).