House needs help

SALE Neighbourhood House is seeking public assistance to extend and re-develop its current facility in Leslie St, Sale.

Sale Neighbourhood House co-ordinator Kathryn Bertacchini said the house had outgrown its current location and would buy the neighbouring property, 23 Leslie St, to allow more programs to be conducted.

“The office I am in is meant to be a kitchen and classroom,” Ms Bertacchinni said.

“It is very difficult to get work done when everything is happening and privacy is also difficult.

“This was supposed to be a temporary office for three months; it has now been six.”

Ms Bertacchini said the additional building would also allow the house to meet the increased demand for occasional care services.

“There is a huge demand for child care and our services,” she said.

“We have outgrown our facilities here.”

Ms Bertacchini said as a not for profit group, the house conducted programs as a service to the community rather than as a profit making venture.

It has 60 days to raise funds to assist with the purchase of the 23 Leslie St property.

“We have entered into a contract to buy the property,” Ms Bertacchini said.

“The opportunity to expand next door might not come up again in the short term.

“The vendor has offered nothing but support and has been generous in contract conditions, but if we don’t get support from the community we might not get the property.”

Ms Bertacchini said the ‘renovation rescue’ would also modify two of the existing rooms at its existing 19-21 Leslie St facility, with the house also seeking volunteers for labour (skilled and unskilled) and donation of building materials and plumbing and kitchen appliances.

“The kitchen will be upgraded to a commercial kitchen to comply with Occupational Health and Safety standards,” Ms Bertacchini said.

“It will expand in the delivery of our cooking and hospitality classes, and will also be more functional for our community groups to use as well.”

Ms Bertacchini said the renovation would include a waiting area and new toilets.

“The opportunity that presented itself won’t come up again in the short term and we just jumped on the opportunity,” she said.

“To keep providing the services that we do to the community, we need its help.”

Donations can be made directly into the ANZ Bank Sale Neighbourhood House public appeal account, BSB 013 795, account number 2803 50936.

The ‘renovation rescue’ will feature on series two of A House Around the Corner, with the series to screen on Channel 50 during September and October.