Candidate statement – Carolyn Crossley

LOCAL government is the most important level of government as it is focused directly on the place we choose to live.

The elections give you, the voter, the opportunity to bring about change, take control and select the candidates that you believe can best represent you and build a better future.

I stand for equitable spending across all of the Wellington Shire and the maintenance of the services and facilities that make Wellington a great place to live.

Wellington councillors need to take a leadership role in promoting a sustainable future and must strongly advocate for our community with all levels of government for instance confronting the state government on the issue of TAFE and CFA funding cuts.

I believe it is crucial to have open communication and transparent decision making that reflects the values and priorities of the community.

Your priorities are my priorities and I have the skill and energy to get things done.

Converting ideas into realities is what I do best.

I have lived locally for 30 years, raised a family and forged a career, initially nursing and now my own business, the Cowwarr Art Space.

I have involvement in local, regional and state committees for education, tourism development and the arts.

I serve on a community bank board and CFA fundraising event, the Cowwarr Cutters Cup.

With past experience as a councillor and deputy mayor of the City of Sale from 1989 to 1992 I know what is involved and I am ready to serve you.