CONCERNED residents of Seaspray and surrounding areas recently established a community group aimed at educating people about the risks posed to their community by the onshore gas industry.
A spokesperson for the group said members were strongly opposed to mining companies invading the countryside for their own financial gain and to send gas to Asia.
“The risks this industry takes with our water, soil, air and human health are well documented and unacceptable local residents are outraged,” the spokesperson said.
The group will host an information session on Saturday, May 11 from 3pm at the Seaspray Hall.
“We have invited expert speakers from all over the state, to inform people of the threat posed by an industry that plans to test new technologies, using toxic chemicals, on the people of Gippsland,” the group spokesperson said.
“We are not willing to allow this experimentation to go unchallenged and call on all residents to become informed and help send this message loud and clear to our government as well as mining companies.”
Dr Merryn Redenbach will explain the potential risks to human health posed by the chemicals used and released by unconventional gas mining.
Dr Gavin Mudd from Monash University is a renowned hydrologist who will discuss the threat to water resources and Felicity Millner from the Environmental Defenders Office will explain residents’ right to refuse mining companies access to their property.