Local ‘wrongly accused’ of burglary

I AM writing in reply to a few letters that have been published in the Gippsland Times regarding a home burglary.

I would like to point out that only two people were charged over this incident, not three, and one of them was not even from this town.

The community seems to think the people or persons committing these crimes are the problem when a majority are only doing these things to support a drug habit.

 The Sale police do nothing to stop this, even though they are aware of the drug dealers in this town.

 The gentleman who wrote of his dissatisfaction over the court process may have well had his home broken into.

 I was charged for the burglary, but I had nothing to do with it.

I was asleep at home on my couch when my partner at the time and a so-called friend went and did this.

 I was not aware until the police came to my home and arrested my friend, and then came back later to arrest me.

 I have lost so much over this incident and he [the victim of the crime] calls me scum.

 Well, after he gave people my name and description, he put my partner at the time, my newborn son and parents in danger of erratic people who had some sort of point to prove.

 I don’t condone the actions of anyone committing crime, but before you hate the people who broke into your home, business or car even, stop and think of the reasons they are doing this.

 They themselves may feel they have no choice because of the debt they incur from trying to support a drug habit.

 A drug dealer is not like a bank.

They will assault you, harm your family or other things I will not name to get their money.

 As a result of my past actions and the actions of others, this time I lost my family, my son’s first Christmas and birthday.

 In closing, I’d just like to say the people who break into your home often feel they need to so they can support a drug habit or to try and protect themselves from nasty and often dangerous people who they owe money.

I say to the gentleman who called me scum and then gave my name and description to people of the community, you are no better than I used to be, but at least I’ve tried to better myself.