State award for worthy winner

Jamie Carraro of Community Clubs Victoria presents Peter Stephenson and Lakeside Club general manager Lauren Glover with the Community Clubs Victoria Volunteer of the Year award. Photo: Contributed

Stefan Bradley

DURING Community Clubs Victoria awards night at the Melbourne Convention Centre in August, Peter Stephenson was called to the stage in recognition of his service to Sale’s Lakeside Club.

He stepped off the stage crowned Community Clubs Victoria Volunteer of the Year.

Lakeside Club general manager Lauren Glover said Mr Stephenson’s care for the bowling green was second to none and his award was well deserved.

“Day in, day out Pete is at the club taking care of our grass green, always the first to arrive in the morning, open the gates and maintain our facilities on a number of levels,” she said.

“Our club is proud to have Pete around and we thank him for all the time and effort he puts in to help make Lakeside Club what it is today.”

“With such a large number of nominations across the state, to not only become a finalist, but achieve statewide recognition for doing something to benefit others and not ask for anything in return is no mean feat,” said Ms Glover.

“Hours of work by numerous people are required to maintain our club and Pete’s contribution towards this is endless.”