HUNDREDS of disposable nappies are on their way to vulnerable Gippslanders.
Nationals Member for Gippsland South, Danny O’Brien, has thanked locals who answered the call for donations of disposable nappies when supply was running low and need in the community was rising.
Mr O’Brien said he was delighted that donations had picked up over the past six weeks. Hundreds of nappies had now been passed to Vinnies for vulnerable families.
“Unfortunately, we have a lot of families in our area who are struggling to keep up with the rising cost of living as interest rates and rental prices increase, along with things like the cost of fuel,” he said.
Mr O’Brien’s office in Sale serves as a collection point for the Nappy Collective Giving Project, an initiative that collects unused disposable nappies and passes them on to where they are needed most.
“One of the great things about this project is that the nappies are distributed locally; it is a simple way that we can support local families,” Mr O’Brien said. “These families now have one less thing to worry about.”
Mr O’Brien said his office continues to accept donations on behalf of the Nappy Collective year-round and would work with local charities to ensure they are passed on to families.
“All kinds of disposable nappies are happily accepted – day, night, pull-ups and even swim nappies. New or even opened and half-used packets will make a big difference,” he said.