Around Maffra February 7 2023

Around Maffra – published February 7 2023.

  • MAFFRA Stage Band will entertain shoppers on Saturday, February 11 from 11am until 1pm at the rotunda in Johnson Street, Maffra.
  • NEWRY Playgroup has resumed for this year, and will be held every Monday morning during school term from 9.30am until 11.30am in the Newry Hall. The first session is free for new families.
  • MAFFRA Neighbourhood House flyer will be delivered to mailboxes this week. For more information on the following sessions, phone the house on 0422 335 155. Fortnightly classes on Mondays will be held on portrait drawing. Cost is $20 per lesson and bookings are essential. Digital Matters is a five week course to learn the basics of using digital technology for everyday living and working. This course begins Friday, February 24 and costs $50 for the complete course. Learn Mosiacs with Jess will be held on Wednesday February 22 from 1pm until 3pm at a cost of $45 per person, all materials supplied. Bookings are essential.
  • MAFFRA Municipal Band will hold a high tea on Friday, February 10 at 38 McMillan Street, Maffra, from 11am until 2pm. Entry cost $25 per person which includes a glass of bubbly. For tickets go to Trybooking High Tea @ 38 or call 0411 434 520.
  • MAFFRA RSL sub branch will hold its first trivia night for this year on Friday, February 17 from 5.30pm in the RSL rooms, Shelton, 16 Boisdale Street, Maffra. All welcome.
  • MAFFRA Football-Netball Club will hold a Thank God it’s Friday Night on Friday, February 10 at the Maffra Recreation Reserve, Maffra Newry Road, Maffra, and will include games, raffles and music. Drinks and food will be available from 4.30pm.
  • ROTARY Club of Maffra will cook a barbecue at Woolworths, Johnson Street, Maffra on Saturday morning, February 11.
  • MAFFRA Golf Club will host a coffee morning tomorrow (Wednesday February 8), at the home of Kaye Gallagher, 9 Wellsford Street, Stratford at 10am. $10 entry includes raffles, door prize, trading table and games. All welcome.