Quality speakers at Heyfield Lions Club

The winners and runners-up with Lions zone chairman Bill Lack. Photo: Contributed

Heyfield Lions Club, with the co-operation of the local primary schools, recently hosted the Lions Zone V3 Junior Public Speaking Competition.

The event was held at the Heyfield Bowls Club, with Heyfield Primary, St Michael’s Primary and Nambrok-Denison primary schools being represented.

About 60 parents, grandparents, friends and teachers enjoyed the young students having an opportunity to speak on a certain topics. Zone chairman Bill Lack introduced each of the students to the captive audience.

There were six entrants in the grade three and four section, speaking about “my favourite fairy tale or book character.

The grade five and six section had nine students who participated, with their topic “who is the most influential person in your life?”

Shane Kelly, Caroline Trevorrow and Pauline Vuilermin, along with time keeper David Wadey, were given the difficult job of being the judges. They had a huge task to choose winner of each age group.

Shane and Pauline are teachers, and especially thought the standard of each students’ presentation was exceptional and of a very high standard. This made their task of sorting a finalist hard.

After much deliberation, it was decided the grade three and four winner was Layla Bayliss with Lily Downs the runner-up. The grade five and six winner was Millie Bayliss with Anna Harrington runner-up.

The two winners will move onto the district final at Trafalgar on October 13. If successful finalists there, they move onto presenting their speech at the Lions district convention.