Community grants for drought preparedness

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COMMUNITY organisations helping readiness for Victoria’s next drought can now apply for grants from $200,000 to $500,000.

Emergency Management Minister Murray Watt said the funding could be “used in a range of ways, including events, training, capability building and small infrastructure projects, and I encourage community groups to apply”.

The grants are available across 35 regions nationally. Victorian regions include the Mallee, Loddon-Campaspe, Wimmera-Southern Mallee, East Gippsland, Goulburn, West Gippsland and Ovens-Murray.

Wellington Shire is part of West Gippsland.

Successful applicants will also be able to access tailored leadership development support for their communities.

Senator Raff Ciccone said the grants would assist Victorian regional communities preparing for drought.

“We need to support regional communities to start preparing for the return of dry conditions – now,” Senator Ciccone said.

“These grants will help communities with greater drought risk build the skills and networks needed to get ahead of the drought cycle.”

To apply or for more information visit or the Future Drought Fund website