Gippsland Primary Health Network (GPHN) has activated the GP Commissioned Home Visits program, together with the use of Capacity Tracker, an online tool providing real-time data to identify issues and assess service capacity.

The GP Commissioned Home Visits program involves health professionals managing COVID-19-positive patients at home, reducing pressure on hospital emergency departments.

Gippsland PHN chief executive officer, Amanda Proposch, said general practices and Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations were funded to help people diagnosed with COVID-19.

“They provide home visits to people managing their COVID-19 diagnosis at home who need to be assessed by a GP or a registered nurse,” Ms Proposch said.

“The health care professionals also visit aged care residents being managed in a facility who need assessment and management in relation to COVID-19 or other health conditions while the patient is isolating.

“The program’s focus is on reducing hospitalisations and allowing people to actively engage in their own health-management plan, supported by a health-care professional via an in-home visit arrangement.”

In the past six months, doctors from 10 general practices across Gippsland have seen 210 patients aged three months to 103 years old as part of the program, including 121 patients who were in residential aged care facilities.

Gippsland PHN’s use of Capacity Tracker, a cloud-based online tool to support general practices, RACFs, pharmacies and ACCOs during emergencies, has been an essential aspect of the program.

“COVID-19 positive cases are one of the items recorded in Capacity Tracker,” Ms Proposch said.

“Our staff monitor Capacity Tracker daily, and if an aged-care facility or GP clinic has COVID-19 cases, we will reach out about the commissioned home visits program for any patients who may need an assessment.”

The program is also used to report to the local area hospital regarding primary health capacity in Gippsland.

“The combination of both programs has resulted in great outcomes for our community,” Ms Proposch said.