Wellington Shire Council is inviting the community to have their say on the future of arts and culture in Wellington, part of its 2024-2029 Arts and Culture Strategy.
The new strategy, ‘Our Culture, Our Place’, intends to provide artists, audiences, and the community with a shared vision for sustainable arts and culture in Wellington Shire.
The strategy will encourage participation, celebration, and creative expression throughout the municipality, with a focus on developing a strong local economy and cultural tourism opportunities. It will enrich connections through events and experiences, celebrate diversity and strengthen how locals and visitors connect with cultural and community spaces.
Community input is being sought to better understand and highlight gaps and opportunities for improvement to meet community needs and aspirations for arts, culture, and heritage in Wellington.
Wellington Shire Council supports arts and culture through its cultural facilities, the Gippsland Art Gallery, The Wedge Performing Arts Centre, and six Wellington Library branches. Each ensures that the community has access to a wide variety of cultural experiences, from live performances to library author talks and gallery exhibitions. Through the Have Your Say process, Council officers are keen to hear from the community about festivals and events, public art, local history, and support for local and emerging artists and creatives.
Wellington Shire Council Mayor, Councillor Ian Bye, said that Wellington is a leader of arts and culture in Gippsland and Victoria, with an exciting arts and cultural scene.
“Council’s premier cultural facilities, including the Port of Sale Precinct and popular Gippsland Art Gallery, make Wellington Shire and The Middle of Everywhere an attractive place to live, work, invest and thrive,” Cr Bye said.
“The strategy will help us strengthen this following and ensure that arts and culture provide maximum benefit to Wellington.
“This strategy will outline a long-term vision for arts and culture in Wellington and develop priorities that directly align with the Council Plan and the communities’ needs for a rich and vibrant culture.
“Nearly all of us engage in the arts in some way, and I encourage the community to take advantage of this opportunity to have their say to shape the creative future of Wellington.”
The community is invited to participate by sharing their thoughts and experiences of arts and culture in the Shire.
An online survey is now open and will run until August 31, 2023.
Please visit the Your Wellington Your Say website at your.wellington.vic.gov.au/our-culture-our-place
Physical surveys can be completed by visiting a Wellington library branch.
Feedback from the survey and drop-in sessions will be used in the development of the five-year Arts and Culture Strategy ‘Our Culture, Our Place’.
For more information, please contact Principal Consultant Bruce Smith at bruce@polisplanning.com.au or 0407 414 994.