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Tag: Tim Bull

Tim Bull’s 2024 Anzac Day column

Tim Bull AT the time you are reading this, I will be at Gallipoli, spending a few days outside Thursday's official ceremonies to visit a...

Call for additional Bairnsdale service

MEMBER for Gippsland East, Tim Bull, has again written to the Minister for Public and Active Transport, Gabrielle Williams, requesting a sixth weekday bus/coach...

Bull welcomes new accessible parking

IN a step towards inclusivity and safe access, Victorians who've experienced total vision loss will soon be eligible for an Accessibility Parking Permit. This is...

Minister responds to Bull’s bustitutions call out

IN Parliament recently, Minister for Public Transport Ben Carroll made no indications that Gippsland Lines replacement services will stop at Clayton, Dandenong and Caulfield,...

Budget no good for roads: Bull

GIPPSLAND East MP Tim Bull has said the government's budget was disappointing and puts country Victorians "at risk" and expressed his disappointment at road...

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‘My Old School’ at Sale Film Society this week

Another eclectic picture is set to be showcased by the Sale Film Society for its October screening, happening tomorrow night. British documentary My Old School...