No Sale Show, so Joans decide to hold their own

RESIDENTS of Opal Sale’s care community, including Joan Nix and Joan Kewish, were sad to hear the Sale Show would not be running this year.

A spokesperson said residents loved going to the show every November, and enjoyed entering items and looking at all the exhibits.

They discussed running their own show in the care community, and so the idea of an Opal Sale Gardens Show – to be held on November 12 – was born.

The two Joans have extensive experience in event management, with Mrs Kewish being a life member of the CWA, dedicating the past 50 years to the organisation.

During this time she had organised many exhibitions, so her experience has been invaluable getting the gardens show up and running.

Mrs Nix has vast experience in the clerical side of working life, and has worked as a kindergarten aide for many years.

She has been a valuable member of the garden show committee, offering her knowledge with the planning and organising of the show.

The organising committee includes residents and staff, and they have selected elements of the Sale Show they would like re-created in the gardens show.

The Joans have been involved in every aspect of the show production, from choosing the exhibit categories to taste testing the show food and arranging Mr Whippy to visit on the day.

There are a variety of competitions categories to enter, including cooking, colouring, sewing, knitting, Christmas craft, artworks, spoonies, home-grown fruit and vegetables and planter pots.

All the care community has become involved, with entries open to residents, staff and families.

The women are also rounding up their extended families to enter, with one family having five generations participating.

On the day of the show, residents will perform all key positions including judging, stewarding and displaying entries, with others simply enjoying the day.

Mrs Kewish is looking forward to using her skills from CWA to judge the cooking section.

The Joans are excited to see their vision coming to fruition and are looking forward to bringing the joy of the show to the residents, staff and families.