Community members have until August 31 to share their thoughts on the Future of Wellington.
Launched in June this year, Future Wellington will guide the long-term planning and review of five essential documents that will steer council’s direction and decision-making towards 2050.
These documents include Council’s Community Vision, Council Plan, Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan, 10-year Asset Plan and 10-year Financial Plan. The Future Wellington project will also revisit the current community vision “Happy people, healthy environment and thriving communities”.
Wellington Shire Mayor Ian Bye thanked the community for their input so far.
“We have been really impressed with how our community has responded to Future Wellington. We’ve already received hundreds of survey responses, and we’ve spoken to hundreds more people at events all across our shire over the past six weeks. Anyone who is yet to take part should jump onboard and participate. It’s so important to have your say and help shape where you live! Engagement opportunities are open until the end of August, so time is really running out,” Cr Bye said.
“I encourage our community to attend a workshop or fill out the simple survey online. Residents should also look out for their rates notice in their letterbox as there’s a postcard enclosed to fill out. Don’t miss this great opportunity to have a voice in decision making for your future.”
How to participate:
Survey: Complete an online survey via Your Wellington Your Say at:;
In-person workshop – coastal communities and surrounds: Tuesday, August 13, 2024, 1pm to 3pm, Golden Paradise Beach Community Centre, Surf Edge Drive in Golden Beach;
In-person workshop – Stratford, Briagolong and surrounds: Thursday, August 15, 2024, 3pm to 5pm, Stratford Library, 70 Tyers Street in Stratford.
Gormandale Craft and Produce Market – Pop up: Saturday, August 17, 2024, 10am – 2pm
Mechanics Hall, 45 Main Road, Gormandale;
Online workshop: Saturday, August 24, 2024, 10am – 11am via Zoom,
Postcard feedback: Fill out a Future Wellington postcard – a quick and easy way to share your ideas. Collection boxes are located in Yarram, Woodside, Licola, Coongulla, Port Albert, Golden Beach, Seaspray, Gormandale, Loch Sport, Tinamba, Dargo, Briagolong, Maffra, Heyfield, Rosedale, Stratford, Longford, Wurruk and Sale. Exact locations are listed on the – Your Wellington Your Say online portal.
Other engagement activities include pop-up events, a drawing competition, photo/video competition, or hosting a guided conversation with community groups.
Engagement of Future Wellington will close on August 31, 2024.
For more information, please contact Council’s Organisational Performance and Governance team on 1300 366 244, or email