The Stratford Lions Club has been actively supporting the community in recent months.
In May, the club presented a cheque to Munro Fire Brigade captain Esta Deckkers for $1000 towards the brigade’s new truck and presented a cheque to Kevin Luxford from the Munro Hall committee for $200. In June, the club held a Cancer Council Big Morning Tea. There was a great display of cakes and slices and quite a number of different types of teapots.
The numbers were down from last year mainly due to the weather, but the event still raised $571. The club donated $429 to make a final donation to Cancer Council $1000.
In July, the club donated $250 to the Lions project CaringKids.
The same month, the club held the junior public speaking competition at Stratford and St Patrick’s primary school for grades three to six. It was again a difficult task for the judges to select winners from each school at the respective grades.
The club will host the final on September 11, to select a winner for each grade to represent the club at the regional semi-final, to be held in Trafalgar on October 11.
The club invited Stratford Scout Group leader Jeremy Dunland to give a talk regarding how the cubs and scouts are progressing in Stratford. He said, like a number of voluntary organisations, the volunteers to help were diminishing, however, the group has an active group of five leaders and 18 Cubs and Scouts.
The group is working to upgrade a shed and is raising money for the project, to which the Lions club donated $1000.
The two organisations discussed the possibility of being more active in helping each other to run future events as part of their supporting the community.