Above average annual rainfall achieved locally

Sarah Luke

THERE’S some good news for your 2020 – some parts of Wellington Shire have now received above average annual rainfall.

After consecutive years of below average rainfall, the shire’s north seems to be reaping the benefits of the La Nina currently formed in the tropical Pacific.

Stratford officially surpassed its annual average of 608.5mm at the end of last month, clocking 623.2mm to September 30.

After a wet October brought 80.6mm to Monday morning, Stratford’s annual rainfall is now around the 703.8mm mark.

According to the Bureau of Meteorology, 34.6mm fell in Stratford across the weekend, but some local rain gauges caught almost double, with 64mm reported by one Stratford resident.

Briagolong’s annual average of 649.1mm was smashed earlier this month, with its rolling annual total reaching 712.5mm after the weekend.

Briagolong’s records report it received a healthy 40.8mm at the weekend, while one resident told the Gippsland Times he had received 49mm from Friday evening through to Monday morning in nearby Llowalong.

Sale still has some way to go to meet its annual average of 589.6mm, but certainly inched closer after the weekend’s drop, now sitting at 484.8mm for 2020.

The bureau’s official records state Sale received 21mm Saturday and Sunday.

Other rainfall totals recorded by locals include 42mm in Heyfield, 60mm in Upper Maffra West, 53mm in Cobains, 38mm in Myrtlebank, 26.4mm in Yarram and a huge 92.7mm at Bullumwaal, north of Bairnsdale.