Longford residents are worried trees will block their views

Some Longford residents say Yellow box trees already planted will block views of the High Country, shed bark and limbs, and remove moisture from the ground.

David Braithwaite

WELLINGTON Shire Council will speak with residents of a Longford road who objected to a species of tree being planted.
After submitting a petition with 18 signatures, residents of Cumming Drive will be consulted about the species of trees being planted as well as their location.
Residents claimed the Yellow box trees already planted would block off views of the High Country, and shed bark and limbs, and were concerned with the amount of moisture the trees would take from the ground.
Responding to the petition, council said all the concerns raised, bar the blocking of the view, were covered in its tree policy, with none providing sufficient reason for removal of trees — especially in a large lot subdivision.
From a planning perspective, council claimed views are not owned, and there was nothing to prevent a view from being altered into the future from future development.
The planting of these trees will not block the view, but it was acknowledged they will alter it, affecting a handful of homes facing north.
Councillor Carolyn Crossley said council planted more than 1000 trees each year in urban areas, to improve amenity and create shade.
“This has been a normal process of doing the street plantings of a new subdivision,” she said.
“The officers usually choose the species and have it planted out with the development contribution.
“This has been done very successfully over a number of years, but the residents of this street were a bit concerned about those species, so we’ve listened to their concerns.
“Because it’s early days in the growth, these trees, the little tiny saplings … it’s a good time to have discussion and see if we can choose a more suitable species that would suit both our plans and the residents.”