Locals raise concern regarding road safety at Council meeting

File photo.

Two petitions were responded to at the Council meeting on Tuesday, August 16 the Port of Sale (Wellington Centre).

Response to Petition: Improved traffic and pedestrian safety in Maffra

AT the July 19 meeting, council received a petition requesting improved traffic and pedestrian safety at the intersection of McLean St and Boisdale St, Maffra.

The petitioners had expressed concerns about incidents that have occurred at the intersection over the past decade.

At the August 16 meeting, council noted that additional advisory signage has recently been installed at the McLean St/Boisdale St intersection, and that assessments for further opportunities for improvements at the intersection will be considered for future Council capital works allocations where appropriate.

Councillor Carolyn Crossley thanked the community for raising this issue.

Response to petition: Implementation of a traffic management plan for Nightingale Street, Yarram

AT the July 19 meeting, council received a petition with 13 signatures from residents of Nightingale St, Yarram, requesting a traffic management plan be implemented for the street to allow visitors to access the mural being painted on the Yarram Water Tower, while still allowing for safe passage for local residents, their children and visitors.

The petition is requesting a reduced speed limit to 40 kilometres an hour, construction of car parking, a footpath and signage updates.

At the August 16 meeting, council noted the provision of a footpath along Nightingale St did not meet the criteria under Council’s Urban Paths Plan or Network Connections program and that provision of a cost effective and functional footpath is likely to be unachievable; and that Nightingale St does not meet the VicRoads speed zoning guidelines for a speed reduction to 40km/h.

Wellington chief executive David Morcom was authorised to investigate existing road signage at Nightingale St and provide improved signage, if required, in line with relevant standards and current practices, and to investigate and implement, where feasible, opportunities for minor parking and turning improvements near the water tower in the street.

Cr Crossley thanked the petitioners and said guidelines needed to be consistent across the shire, but hoped that possible signage updates could mitigate any issues.


To view the full agenda, minutes and recording of council meetings, head to wellington.vic.gov.au/council/meeting-minutes-and-agendas