The Law Institute of Victoria (LIV) has welcomed the responses from the major political parties to its calls for a better, fairer legal system ahead of the Victorian state election.
In September, the LIV published its Call to Parties, outlining a vision for improving the Victorian legal system through systemic and legislative reform.
The LIV invited parties contesting in the upcoming state election to respond to each of the calls made in the document, and has published full responses from Labor, the Coalition, and the Greens.
LIV president Tania Wolff thanked each of the parties for their response, observing that each of the 51 calls had been responded to in full.
“We thank each of the parties for their willing and detailed engagement with the LIV on our calls to deliver an improved legal system in Victoria,” Ms Wolff said.
Key themes emerged from each of the parties’ responses, including impacts felt on the system from the COVID-19 pandemic, and steps to take on the road to recovery.
The LIV was particularly pleased to note all parties were in agreement about expanding resources to improve legal literacy in the community, advancing the Treaty process to support self-determination for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people, and the importance of expanding the service of specialist courts and programs within the Victorian justice system.
“The evidence illustrating the benefits of specialist courts and programs is clear now, and it is encouraging to see support across the political spectrum on this issue,” Ms Wolff said.
The LIV will continually monitor progress on commitments made by the parties.
“Regardless of who has the privilege to serve the Victorian people for the next four years, it is important that they are held accountable for the commitments they make.
“We are encouraged that all parties understand the benefit of and are committed to continuing to engage across the sector to address the challenges facing the justice sector.
“These calls and commitments have not been made lightly, and it is for the benefit of all who engage with our legal system that meaningful action is taken on them.”