Letter to the editor | Nationals are behaving ‘selfishly’

Ravindu Gunawardena, Sale

GIPPSLANDERS should be very concerned about Victorian National Party leader Peter Walsh’s attempt to disaffiliate his state division from the federal Nationals in order to express opposition to Deputy PM Barnaby Joyce over Joyce’s support for reliable energy, affordable electricity, and jobs in the coal industry.
Our nation and economy is battling against the COVID-19 global pandemic and we face big problems in our relationship with China, our main export destination.
Now is not the time to destabilise the federal government and plunge it into minority status, which is what disaffiliation would cause as the three Victorian Nationals in the House of Representatives would no longer be part of the government.
It would have also removed Senator Bridget McKenzie from Cabinet, whose recent promotion means Australia has set a new record for number of women Cabinet ministers.
I will have to reluctantly vote for Dan Andrews next year if the Victorian Nationals keep behaving so selfishly.